Saudi Arabia Leads MENA In E-Government Services: 2023 Report Reveals
Category: Saudi Arabia

In a recent report by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), Saudi Arabia has clinched the top spot in the Government Electronic and Mobile Services Maturity Index for 2023 within the MENA region. This marks the Kingdom's second consecutive year at the forefront, boasting an impressive maturity score of 93 percent across all measured categories.

Eng. Ahmed Alsuwaiyan, governor of the Digital Government Authority, attributes this international recognition to the concerted efforts of government entities in advancing digital transformation. He emphasizes the crucial support from the wise leadership, aligning with Saudi Vision 2030 objectives to foster a digital society and leverage cutting-edge technologies for enhanced productivity, efficiency, and user experience.

The Government Electronic and Mobile Services Maturity Index (GEMS) evaluates 17 countries annually, focusing on the maturity of 84 priority government services offered to individuals and businesses through online portals and smart applications. Saudi Arabia's dominance is evident across all indicators, showcasing remarkable progress in each area.

In the Service Availability and Sophistication category, Saudi Arabia attained an impressive maturity rate of 98 percent, reflecting a notable increase from the previous year. Similarly, in the Service Usage and Satisfaction indicator, the Kingdom achieved a commendable maturity rate of 84 percent, demonstrating a substantial improvement.

Notably, Saudi Arabia excelled in the Public Outreach indicator, achieving a perfect score of 100 percent and marking significant advancement from the previous year.

This achievement adds to Saudi Arabia's global recognition, with recent accolades including a third-place ranking in the GOVTECH Maturity Index and its highest-ever standing in the E-Government Development Index issued by the United Nations. Furthermore, Riyadh, the capital city, secured the fourth position globally for its exemplary use of technology among cities worldwide.

20 Feb, 2024 0 222
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