Strong Consequences: Saudi Arabia Implements Strict Penalties For Workplace Harassment
Category: Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is sending a clear message: workplace harassment will not be tolerated. Offenders who engage in harassment at workplaces, educational institutions, or shelters now face severe penalties, including up to five years in prison and a maximum fine of SR300,000, or one of these two penalties.

Zero Tolerance: Saudi prosecutors are emphasizing their commitment to combat harassment in the work environment, calling on both public and private sector entities to take the necessary measures to prevent and address this issue.

Reporting Encouraged: Anyone with information about a harassment case is urged to report it to the competent state agencies. Reporting plays a crucial role in ensuring that perpetrators are held accountable.

Empowering Women: Saudi Arabia's stance on addressing harassment is part of broader reforms aimed at fighting sexual offenses and advancing women's rights in the kingdom. In 2018, the country approved a law that criminalizes sexual harassment, reinforcing its commitment to protecting individuals from such misconduct.

No Escaping Justice: Importantly, Saudi authorities have made it clear that legal punishment for sexual harassment remains in effect, even if the victim chooses not to pursue their own rights or file a formal complaint. This sends a powerful message that perpetrators cannot evade accountability.

Harassment Defined: According to Saudi law, harassment encompasses any verbal expressions, actions, or gestures with sexual connotations directed at another person, targeting their body, honor, or modesty, including the use of modern technology for such purposes.

14 Sep, 2023 0 857
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