Saudi Health Holding Company Approves Organizational Structures For Health Clusters
Category: Saudi Arabia

The Board of Directors of the state-owned Health Holding Company (HHC) has approved the organizational structures for health clusters. The board meeting, chaired by Minister of Health Fahd Al-Jalajel, emphasized the importance of implementing government directives to continue providing free treatment for all citizens and ensuring enhanced quality and efficient health services.

The meeting discussed preparations for the launch of the second phase of transformation within the Ministry of Health, identifying three health clusters as the first batch to transition to HHC. The board highlighted the significance of completing the application of the modern healthcare model within these clusters to improve health service quality and prioritize preventive care.

Key decisions from the meeting included approving regulations for the placement of employees transitioning from the Ministry of Health to HHC, ensuring no salary reductions, in line with Cabinet Resolution No. 616. The board also endorsed that civil service employees will retain benefits post-transfer as per the Law of Benefits Exchange and the Social Insurance Law. The service of self-employed staff will be considered complementary after the transfer.

The board acknowledged the company's efforts to improve health services and ensure sustainable healthcare quality, positioning the Kingdom on the global healthcare map. Emphasizing the importance of employee investment, the board developed a training program to enhance employees’ skills and leadership capabilities, ensuring the effective delivery of high-quality healthcare services.

The Ministry of Health completed the first phase of health transformation by the end of 2023, launching 20 health clusters to serve beneficiaries across the Kingdom. This phase implemented eight modern healthcare paths, including those for heart attacks, strokes, early detection of breast and colon cancer, serious injuries, adult obesity, diabetes, and palliative care.

More than 20 million beneficiaries have been registered in primary healthcare centers across the Kingdom. Nine urgent care centers meeting Ministry of Health requirements have been opened within health clusters. Virtual care and home care services have also been activated to reduce therapeutic intervention times, decrease elective operation waiting times, and improve diabetes control by 70% in some clusters. Early detection of colorectal and breast cancer has enabled quicker healthcare provision, reducing late diagnosis effects and increasing beneficiary satisfaction rates.

The HHC was established following a Saudi Council of Ministers decision to take over healthcare services traditionally managed by the Ministry of Health. It focuses on providing medical services via health clusters, independent companies specializing in healthcare services. The Ministry of Health will now focus on regulating and supervising all public and private health institutions in the nation, as part of the Kingdom’s plans to enhance the overall performance of the Saudi healthcare system. The HHC is dedicated to expanding digital health programs and virtual medical services.

01 Jul, 2024 0 164
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