New Rules For Domestic Workers Using Saudi-Bahrain Causeway
Category: Saudi Arabia

Domestic workers traveling from Saudi Arabia to Bahrain via the King Fahd Causeway must now adhere to specific conditions, including being accompanied by their employer.

Key Points:

Travel Requirements: The King Fahd Causeway Authority mandates that domestic workers must have an exit-return visa, a valid travel document, and be accompanied by their employer or a family member.

Bridge Significance: Inaugurated in 1986, the 25km King Fahd Causeway is crucial for the movement between Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, especially during summer holidays and Muslim festivals like Eid Al Fitr and Eid Al Adha.

Domestic Worker Categories: Domestic workers in Saudi Arabia include housekeepers, drivers, housemaids, cleaners, cooks, guards, farmers, live-in nurses, tutors, and nannies.

Regulation Efforts: The Saudi Ministry of Human Resources has launched Musaned, a portal to manage domestic labor affairs, including visa issuance, recruitment requests, and contractual relations between employers and workers. The ministry emphasizes that all contracting should be conducted through Musaned, the official recruitment platform.

New Employment Rules: As of October, new regulations set the minimum age for domestic workers at 21 years, ensuring the preservation of contractual rights. The rules specify that workers are entitled to a fixed-duration contract, 10-hour workdays, and a weekly 24-hour paid rest period.

04 Jul, 2024 0 270
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