"Renew Your Rental Contract With Ejar: 180 Days Period"
Category: Saudi Arabia

The Rental Services E-Network (Ejar), operated by the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing, brings you the convenience of renewing your rental contracts with a 180-day window. This renewal period starts 60 days before the contract ends and extends up to 120 days after its expiry.

Ejar, dedicated to organizing Saudi Arabia's real estate rental sector, highlights that contract cancellations can occur through mutual agreement among involved parties – tenants, landlords, and real estate brokers – or as directed by a court order. Should a tenant decline renewal and resist vacating the property, landlords can resort to the execution court for eviction orders, provided the expired contract holds legal validity.

Ejar underscores that modifying existing contracts or altering automatically renewed ones isn't possible through the portal. Initial rental payments are made at the contract's commencement, while the financial responsibilities tied to contract finalization are shouldered by the landlord. Additionally, real estate brokers are entitled to a 2.5 percent fee based on the contract's value for the first year of new or renewed contracts.

Should a tenant decide not to renew upon contract expiration, returning the property in the same condition as received is expected. Disputes can be resolved through legal avenues.

Ejar stands as a comprehensive system designed to foster balanced growth in Saudi Arabia's housing and real estate sector. By addressing market challenges, Ejar safeguards the rights of all lease-involved parties. This integrated e-service platform enhances transparency, trust, and neutrality, ushering in a tenancy sector defined by fairness.

29 Aug, 2023 0 908
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