Saudi Expats can return on new visa anytime after Leaving On Final Exit Visa
Category: Expats

The General Directorate of Passports in Saudi Arabia has condemned rumors that were flowing on social media that Saudi Expatriates who had left Kingdom on final exit visa will be banned for 3 years. Jawazat  clarified that expats those who left Saudi Arabia on final exit visas without any remarks against them, can return anytime into Saudi Arabia on a new visa.

Some norms  are been established by Jawazat(The General Directorate of passports).Fines on delaying the renewal will be imposed after 3 days expiry date of iqama .Fine of 500 SR will be slammed for the first time for delaying iqama renewal, For the second time the will be doubled to 1000SR, In case of delaying iqama renewal for the 3rd time, the penalty will be deportation of the expat.Iqama  renwal  of expatriates will only  be allowed if the head of the family is present in Saudi Arabia.Presence of head of the family is mandatory for Iqama renewal.

15 Jul, 2020 1 20986
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