Permit Registration For Hajj Pilgrims’ Housing In Mecca Now Open
Category: Saudi Arabia

A Saudi state committee responsible for preparing housing for Muslim pilgrims during next year’s Hajj in Mecca has announced the commencement of registration to obtain permits for buildings that will accommodate the faithful as part of early preparations for the annual Islamic pilgrimage.

Registration Process for Hajj Housing Permits

The panel has urged Saudi nationals interested in obtaining or renewing permits for renting their buildings to house pilgrims to submit applications to accredited consultancy engineering offices.

Application Deadlines and Requirements

The Mecca municipality has set the deadline for receiving applications until the end of Rajab, the seventh month of the lunar Islamic calendar, corresponding to January 30. The deadline for issuing the permits will be the end of the following month, Shaaban.

Compliance and Certification

Engineering firms accredited by the municipality and the civil defense service are tasked with inspecting the buildings to ensure they meet the required stipulations before issuing certificates. These certificates will allow the committee to grant the related permits.

Call for Early Applications

The municipality has called on landlords interested in renting their buildings during the upcoming Hajj season to comply with all associated conditions, meet safety requirements, and submit their applications early to avoid last-minute processing and congestion.

Hajj Pilgrimage Overview

Around 1.8 million pilgrims, including 1.6 million from abroad, performed the recent Hajj that concluded last month in and around Mecca. Hajj is one of Islam’s five obligatory duties, and Muslims who can physically and financially afford the journey must perform it at least once in their lifetime.

Related Links

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13 Jul, 2024 0 187
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