Makkah Police Crackdown: 3 Fraudsters Arrested For Fake Hajj Ads On Social Media
Category: Crime News

Authorities in the Makkah region of Saudi Arabia have apprehended three individuals for circulating fraudulent Hajj campaigns on social media platforms, targeting prospective pilgrims with deceptive offers.

Key Details and Warnings:

Deceptive ads promised lodging and transportation services for pilgrims in Mina, Muzdalifah, and Arafat, leading to their arrest and legal action by Makkah police.

Saudi government's public security agency issues a cautionary advisory against online scams related to Hajj, emphasizing severe legal consequences for fraudsters.

Ministry of Hajj and Umrah alerts global audience to fake Hajj 2024/1445h campaigns on social media, urging vigilance and directing to official platforms for booking.

Modus Operandi of Scammers:

Fraudulent campaigns lure users with "Certified" or "Approved" claims, building enticing web pages to dupe unsuspecting pilgrims.

Deposits are solicited upfront, non-refundable upon payment, exploiting pilgrims seeking discounted Hajj rates.

Scammers capitalize on pilgrims' quest for bargains, offering substantial discounts and leveraging false legitimacy.

Precautionary Measures:

Public urged to refrain from engaging with dubious schemes, campaigns, and websites, directing to the sole recognized booking platform, Nusuk, for Hajj and Umrah arrangements.

14 May, 2024 0 244
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