"Understanding Salary Fixation: Saudi Labor Law And Company Regulations"
Category: Saudi Arabia

In a recent clarification, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (MHRSD) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has emphasized an important aspect of employment: salary fixation. The MHRSD made it clear that the Saudi Labor Law does not contain provisions for "fixing" or "setting" salaries. Instead, the determination of salaries is governed by the internal regulations of the respective company or establishment.

Responding to a query from a beneficiary who asked whether they could file a complaint against their company for not providing salary fixation, the Ministry clarified the role of the labor law in this matter. Salary fixation, it explained, falls under the purview of the two parties involved, namely the employer and the worker. The terms and conditions related to salary and other benefits are typically outlined in the employment contract or specified in the company's internal regulations.

Furthermore, the Ministry has taken measures to safeguard the privacy of beneficiaries. It has encouraged individuals to refrain from publicly sharing their grievances on social media platforms. Instead, the Ministry advises sending private messages with personal information when seeking resolution to employment-related issues.

This clarification serves to inform both employers and employees in Saudi Arabia about the role of the labor law in salary determination and highlights the importance of employment contracts and company regulations in setting salary terms.

04 Oct, 2023 0 932
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