Strict Consequences: 2-Year Jail For Saudis And Expats Possessing Drugs For Personal Use
Category: Saudi Arabia

In a significant announcement, the Public Prosecution has taken decisive action against both Saudi citizens and expatriates accused of drug possession for personal use, resulting in a two-year prison sentence for each offender.

Narcotics Investigations: The narcotics division at the Public Prosecution in the Jeddah governorate meticulously conducted investigations into individuals, including both citizens and residents, who faced charges of drug possession with the intent to use. Subsequently, they were apprehended and referred to the competent court.

Legal Convictions: The court, following due process, convicted the defendants and handed down a strict two-year prison sentence in accordance with the provisions outlined in the Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances Control Law.

Zero Tolerance: The Public Prosecution reiterates its unwavering commitment to take stern punitive actions against anyone involved in drug-related offenses. All accused individuals will be diligently referred to the appropriate court, where the prosecution will seek deterrent penalties to safeguard society from the grave threat that this menace poses to its security and public health.

14 Sep, 2023 0 790
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