Saudi Crown Prince And Iranian President Discuss Gaza Crisis
Category: Saudi Arabia

Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed bin Salman engaged in a significant phone call with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi to address the ongoing military escalation in Gaza. Here's a closer look at their discussions:

1. Bilateral Diplomacy: In his inaugural phone conversation with President Raisi, the Crown Prince emphasized Saudi Arabia's commitment to deploying every possible effort in collaborating with international and regional stakeholders to de-escalate the crisis.

2. Opposition to Civilian Targeting: The Crown Prince made it clear that Saudi Arabia vehemently opposes any actions that harm civilians and result in the tragic loss of innocent lives.

3. Humanitarian Concerns: Recognizing the importance of international humanitarian law, the Crown Prince expressed deep concern about the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Gaza and its profound impact on the civilian population.

4. Support for the Palestinian Cause: Beyond the immediate crisis, the Crown Prince reiterated Saudi Arabia's unwavering dedication to championing the Palestinian Cause. This commitment includes ongoing support for initiatives that aim to bring about a comprehensive and equitable peace while safeguarding the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people.

The phone call between Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi underscores Saudi Arabia's proactive approach to addressing the Gaza escalation. It reflects a commitment to regional stability, humanitarian principles, and the enduring Palestinian Cause.

12 Oct, 2023 0 595
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