Saudi Arabia-Pakistan Partnership: Accelerating $5 Billion Investment Package
Category: Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are swiftly moving forward with the implementation of a significant $5 billion investment package, as confirmed in a joint statement following a high-level meeting between Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia and Pakistani Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif at Al-Safa Palace in Makkah.

The announcement underscores the commitment of both nations to fortify economic ties and underscores the robust relationship between Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

During the meeting, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman extended warm congratulations to Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on his recent inauguration, expressing sincere wishes for his successful tenure. Prime Minister Sharif, in turn, expressed gratitude to the Kingdom for its unwavering support and hospitality, reiterating Pakistan's steadfast dedication to enhancing bilateral relations and fostering economic cooperation.

The discussions between the leaders emphasized the importance of strengthening fraternal ties and enhancing trade and investment links. The expeditious implementation of the $5 billion investment package signifies a shared commitment to bolstering economic collaboration and achieving mutual prosperity.

In addition to economic matters, the leaders addressed pressing regional and global issues, including the critical situation in Gaza. Both parties called for an immediate cessation of Israeli military operations and emphasized the need for international intervention to uphold humanitarian principles and provide aid to Gaza. The leaders also reiterated their support for a just and comprehensive resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, advocating for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Furthermore, discussions encompassed the imperative of dialogue between Pakistan and India, particularly regarding the resolution of the longstanding Jammu and Kashmir dispute, with a view to fostering regional peace and stability.

In a gesture of goodwill and ongoing collaboration, Prime Minister Sharif extended an invitation to the Crown Prince for an official visit to Pakistan, which was graciously accepted.

09 Apr, 2024 0 273
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