Saudi Arabia Unveils Major Natural Gas Discoveries In Eastern Province And Empty Quarter
Category: Saudi Arabia

In a groundbreaking announcement on Sunday, Saudi Arabia revealed the identification of new natural gas reservoirs in the Eastern Province and the Empty Quarter.

Minister of Energy Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman shared that Saudi Aramco's exploration efforts have led to the discovery of two significant natural gas fields within the Empty Quarter, as well as two additional fields near Dhahran and Hofuf in the Eastern Province.

Among the notable findings is the Al-Hiran natural gas field in the Empty Quarter, where gas from the Hanifa reservoir at the Al-Hiran - 1 well exhibited a flow of 30 million standard cubic feet per day, accompanied by 1600 barrels of condensate. Additionally, gas flowed from the Al-Arab - C reservoir in the same field at a rate of 3.1 million standard cubic feet per day.

The minister also disclosed the discovery of the Al-Mahakeek natural gas field, reporting a flow from the Al-Mahakeek - 2 well at 0.85 million standard cubic feet per day. Furthermore, natural gas was found in five reservoirs within previously identified fields, including the Jallah reservoir in the Asikra field in the Empty Quarter, with a gas flow of 46 million standard cubic feet per day. An additional natural gas reservoir was uncovered in the Shadun field west of Markaz Haradh, with a flow of 15.5 million standard cubic feet per day and approximately 460 barrels of condensate.

The Mazaleej field southwest of Dhahran revealed natural gas in the Unayzah B/C reservoir, with a flow of 14 million standard cubic feet per day, complemented by around 4150 barrels per day of condensate. The Al-Wodaihi field and Awtad field southwest of Hofuf also showed promising results, with gas flowing from the Al-Sara reservoir at 11.7 million standard cubic feet per day and from the Al-Qusayba reservoir at 5.1 million standard cubic feet per day, along with approximately 57 barrels per day of condensate.

Prince Abdulaziz extended congratulations to Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman and Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed bin Salman for these remarkable achievements, seeking divine blessings for the continued security, safety, and prosperity of the Kingdom and its people.

20 Nov, 2023 0 123
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