Saudi Arabia Imposes SR6,000 Fine To Deter Dangerous Swerving
Category: Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia's General Directorate of Traffic has issued a stern warning to motorists, cracking down on swerving maneuvers as part of its efforts to reduce road accidents. Swerving between cars is now considered an offense that can result in fines ranging from SR3,000 to SR6,000.

Swerving not only poses a risk to the driver but also endangers others on the road, as it can lead to a loss of control and potentially catastrophic accidents.

In recent months, Saudi Arabia has intensified penalties for traffic violations to enhance road safety. Notably, motorists who fail to yield to pedestrians using designated crossings now face fines of SR100 to SR150. Additionally, using a cellphone while driving can lead to fines of up to SR900, and operating a vehicle with an unclear or damaged number plate may result in fines ranging from SR1,000 to SR2,000.

Despite these efforts, Saudi Arabia has witnessed tragic accidents, including bus crashes and fatal accidents involving families. Road safety remains a top priority, with the government's goal to further reduce traffic fatalities, which have already seen a 35% decrease over the past five years.

21 Sep, 2023 0 774
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