Non-Saudi Number Plate Rules: Only Citizens Can Drive, Strict Enforcement In Saudi Arabia
Category: Saudi Arabia

Learn about the latest regulations from the General Department of Traffic (Muroor) in Saudi Arabia, emphasizing that vehicles with non-Saudi number plates can only be driven by citizens of the country where the license was issued. This article details the strict compliance measures, including fines and vehicle seizures, for violators.

1. Exclusive Driving Rights for Citizens:
Understand the directive that restricts the driving of vehicles with non-Saudi number plates to only citizens of the country of license issuance. Explore the reasons behind this regulation and the importance of adhering to traffic rules.

2. Warning on Violations and Punitive Measures:
Highlight the department's warning on the consequences of violating this rule, including fines and the seizure of vehicles. Emphasize the seriousness of adhering to traffic regulations to avoid penalties.

3. Surveillance by Traffic Patrol Teams:
Discuss the proactive approach taken by traffic patrol teams to monitor cars with non-Saudi license plates for potential violations. Address the increase in such vehicles and the need for strict monitoring.

4. Saher Automatic Traffic Monitoring System:
Introduce the Saher automatic traffic monitoring system, explaining how it will track violations related to vehicles with non-Saudi number plates. Stress the importance of drivers following traffic instructions for their safety and that of others.

5. Guidance for Gulf Visitors and Reporting Violations:
Provide guidance for Gulf visitors and others on contacting the Traffic Department to inquire about violations and penalty payment details. Encourage responsible driving and adherence to regulations.

6. Rectifying Status for Long-Term Stay Vehicles:
Communicate the department's call for owners of vehicles with non-Saudi plates, staying in the Kingdom for over six months, to rectify their vehicle status. Detail the necessary steps, including contacting regional traffic departments and submitting required documents.

Summarize the key points of the regulations regarding vehicles with non-Saudi number plates, emphasizing the importance of compliance. Encourage vehicle owners to rectify their status within the specified timeframe to avoid penalties. Highlight the department's commitment to ensuring road safety through rigorous enforcement.

22 Dec, 2023 0 370
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