Dress Code Guidelines For Women On Umrah Pilgrimage In Saudi Arabia
Category: Saudi Arabia

Saudi authorities have established specific dress code guidelines for Muslim women participating in the Umrah or lesser pilgrimage at the Grand Mosque in Mecca. Here's what you need to know:

Attire Requirements: Female worshippers have the freedom to choose their attire for the religious rituals, but it must adhere to certain rules:

. Loose-fitting garments
. Free of ornaments or embellishments
. Must provide full coverage of the woman's body

Announcement: The Ministry of Hajj and Umrah in Saudi Arabia officially shared these dress code guidelines on social media, emphasizing the importance of following these rules during Umrah.

Umrah Season: These rules come into focus as the Umrah season gains momentum in Saudi Arabia. The country anticipates hosting approximately 10 million Muslims from around the world for the Umrah pilgrimage at the Grand Mosque in Mecca during this season.

Umrah vs. Hajj: While Hajj is the annual Islamic pilgrimage attended by millions, Umrah is another significant pilgrimage that Muslims undertake when they are physically or financially unable to participate in Hajj.

Easier Access: Saudi Arabia has been actively working to facilitate Umrah for Muslims from abroad. Recent measures include extending the Umrah visa duration to 90 days, allowing entry through various channels, and removing the requirement for women pilgrims to be accompanied by male guardians.

Accessible to All: Holders of different types of entry visas, including personal, visit, and tourist visas, can now undertake Umrah and visit Al Rawda Al Sharifa at the Prophet's Mosque after booking an e-appointment.

Expatriates Welcome: The kingdom has also made it possible for expatriates residing in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries to apply for tourist visas and perform Umrah, regardless of their profession.

16 Sep, 2023 0 956
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