Smooth Tawaf In Mecca: 3 Rules For Pilgrims In Saudi Arabia
Category: Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia has established guidelines to ensure a smooth Tawaf, the sacred ritual of circumambulating the Holy Kaaba at the Grand Mosque in Mecca. These rules, provided by the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah, are aimed at facilitating the Tawaf process for pilgrims and worshippers.

1. Avoid Abrupt Stopping:

. Pilgrims are advised to avoid abrupt stops during the Tawaf ritual to maintain a continuous and organized flow.

2. Do Not Obstruct Others:

. It is crucial to refrain from obstructing the path of fellow pilgrims and worshippers while performing the Tawaf.

3. Stick to the Tawaf Track:

Pilgrims are encouraged to follow the designated Tawaf track when entering and exiting the area to ensure a seamless experience.

Additional Recommendation:

. To ease congestion and enhance movement, the ministry permits the Tawaf prayer to be performed anywhere within the Grand Mosque.

Current Umrah Season:

. The Umrah season is in progress in Saudi Arabia, with an expected participation of around 10 million Muslims from abroad.


. The Umrah season follows the annual Hajj pilgrimage, which saw the attendance of approximately 1.8 million Muslims in Saudi Arabia after pandemic-related restrictions were lifted.

. Umrah provides an opportunity for Muslims who cannot undertake the Hajj due to physical or financial constraints to visit Saudi Arabia.

Recent Facilities for Umrah:

Saudi Arabia has introduced various facilities, including extended Umrah visas, entry via all transportation modes, elimination of male guardianship requirements for women pilgrims, and the eligibility of Gulf Cooperation Council expatriates for tourist visas and Umrah.

26 Oct, 2023 1 849
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