Saudi Father's Act Of Forgiveness: Pardoning Son's Killer Before Execution
Category: Crime News

In a stirring display of compassion, Saudi citizen Ati Al Maliki of Mecca has chosen to forgive the killer of his son, Abdullah, mere days before the slated execution date of April 17, without any expectation of compensation in return.

A viral video captures the moment when Al Maliki publicly announces his decision to pardon the young offender, Shaher Dhaifallah Al Harithi. Witnessing this act of forgiveness, a crowd gathers around Al Maliki, expressing profound admiration and gratitude for his merciful gesture, which spares the perpetrator from facing the ultimate consequence.

This poignant event unfolds on the night of the 27th of Ramadan, a significant period often associated with the revered Night of Power, and has sparked widespread acclaim across various social media platforms.

In Saudi Arabia, individuals convicted of premeditated murder typically face the death penalty, unless the victim's relatives opt to extend forgiveness to the perpetrator, whether with or without compensation.

08 Apr, 2024 0 326
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