Saudi Crown Prince Condemns Israeli Aggression: Urges International Action
Category: Saudi Arabia

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman has strongly denounced Israel's ongoing aggression against Palestine, describing it as a "humanitarian catastrophe" and criticizing the international community's failure to curb Israeli violations. The Crown Prince made these remarks during the extraordinary joint Arab-Islamic summit in Riyadh, emphasizing the urgent need for immediate action to address the crisis.

1. Unequivocal Rejection of Aggression: Crown Prince Mohammed reiterated Saudi Arabia's unequivocal rejection and condemnation of Israel's unjust war on Palestine, highlighting the devastating impact on innocent civilians, including children, women, and the elderly.

2. Failure of International Community: The Crown Prince expressed disappointment in the failure of the Security Council and the international community to halt Israeli violations, describing the situation as a violation of international laws, norms, and humanitarian principles.

3. Calls for Immediate Ceasefire: Urging an immediate cessation of military operations, the Crown Prince stressed the importance of establishing humanitarian corridors for the relief of civilians in the affected areas.

4. Humanitarian Efforts: Saudi Arabia has been actively involved in efforts to protect civilians in Gaza, coordinating with international partners to halt the war. The Crown Prince called for collective action to address the humanitarian catastrophe and criticized the double standards applied in the international response.

5. Demand for International Cooperation: Emphasizing the need for a coordinated collective effort, the Crown Prince called for working together to lift the blockade, provide humanitarian aid, and secure medical supplies for the sick and injured in Gaza.

6. Firm Rejection of Aggression: The Crown Prince reaffirmed Saudi Arabia's firm rejection of the ongoing aggression, occupation, and forced displacement of Gaza residents, holding the occupying authorities accountable for crimes against the Palestinian people.

7. Path to Stability: Prince Mohammed emphasized the conviction that true security, peace, and stability in the region can only be achieved by ending the occupation, siege, and settlement. He advocated for ensuring the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people and the establishment of their independent state within the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman's strong condemnation of Israeli aggression and the call for international cooperation underscores Saudi Arabia's commitment to addressing the humanitarian crisis in Palestine. The urgent plea for immediate action reflects the gravity of the situation and the need for a collective effort to ensure the well-being and rights of the Palestinian people.

12 Nov, 2023 0 772
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