Saudi Arabia Implements New Penalties For Transport Sector Violations
Category: Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia has introduced new penalty mechanisms for violations in the transport and logistics sector, aligning them with penalties established for municipal violations. This initiative was developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing and the Ministry of Transport and Logistics.

The Council of Ministers previously granted the Ministry of Transport and Logistics the authority to identify and penalize violations, in line with municipal violation regulations. The Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing and the Minister of Transport and Logistics were tasked with defining these violations and their associated penalties.

Additionally, the Ministry of Transport and Logistics will issue necessary executive decisions and execution procedures in coordination with the Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing.

Moreover, the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing will authorize the Minister of Transport and Logistics to make decisions on employees or workers responsible for identifying and penalizing violations, as specified in Article Three.

The Council of Ministers also approved the Ministry of Transport and Logistics' collaboration with the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing to resolve any challenges that may arise during the implementation of these new mechanisms.

It's important to note that the punitive regulations for municipal waste outline penalty amounts, potential increases, and how to address resulting damages.

The Ministry of Municipal, Rural Affairs, and Housing had previously implemented a table of penalties for updated municipal violations, addressing various areas like commercial activities, public hygiene, advertising, and more.

These measures aim to uphold regulatory compliance and contribute to a well-structured and organized environment.

03 Nov, 2023 0 489
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