Penalties For Foreign Job Brokers In Saudi Arabia
Category: Saudi Arabia

Saudi labor authorities have recently introduced new penalties for job brokers who provide employment services to foreigners, especially if their licenses are limited to providing jobs for Saudi nationals only. This article discusses these amendments and the penalties they entail.

Penalties for Foreign Job Brokers in Saudi Arabia

In an effort to regulate the labor market and promote competitiveness, Saudi labor authorities have recently made significant amendments to labor regulations. Among these changes, a notable focus has been placed on job brokers who facilitate employment for foreigners, particularly if their licenses are restricted to providing job opportunities for Saudi nationals exclusively.

What Constitutes a "Gross Violation"?

The illegal practice of facilitating employment for non-Saudis within the confines of Saudi-only job licenses is now categorized as a "gross violation." While specific details regarding the penalties were not disclosed, this categorization underscores the severity of the offense.

Mandatory Interactive Websites and E-Records

As part of these amendments, licensed offices and companies are now required to establish an interactive website within six months of obtaining their licenses. Additionally, their electronic records must include the registration of contracts signed with employers, job applicants, and the names of the establishments they collaborate with. These measures are aimed at enhancing transparency and accountability in the labor recruitment process.

Penalties for Child and Underage Employment

The new rules also address child and underage employment, categorizing it as a "gross violation" subject to fines of SR30,000 per each case. This emphasizes the Saudi government's commitment to protecting the rights and welfare of young workers.

Cooperation with Unlicensed or Banned Agencies

Licensed firms and offices now face penalties if they collaborate on labor recruitment with unlicensed or banned agencies, whether located within or outside the kingdom. This underscores the importance of adhering to established regulations and working exclusively with reputable partners.

These regulatory changes are part of Saudi Arabia's broader efforts to strengthen its labor market and make it more competitive. The kingdom has been implementing a series of initiatives in recent years, focusing on employing its own nationals and reducing the reliance on foreign workers in various sectors. The "Saudization" policy, which restricts certain job sectors to Saudi citizens only, has been a key component of these initiatives.

The amendments and penalties serve as a clear signal that Saudi Arabia is dedicated to enhancing the rights and opportunities of its workforce, supporting labor market competitiveness, and ensuring that labor practices are aligned with international labor standards. Additionally, the country is implementing a regional employment program to further bolster employment opportunities for its citizens.

28 Oct, 2023 0 467
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