Crackdown On Unqualified Health Practitioners In Riyadh: Ministry Takes Swift Action
Category: Crime News

The Saudi Ministry of Health has taken decisive action against unqualified health practitioners in Riyadh, following the discovery of serious violations. Here's what you need to know:

Several individuals operating without proper qualifications have been apprehended in Riyadh. They were promptly handed over to the Public Prosecution for appropriate legal action.

Furthermore, a one-day surgery department at a health clinic in Riyadh has been closed down due to various infractions. These violations include allowing a nurse to operate beyond her expertise as a skin specialist and operating two one-day surgery rooms without the necessary licenses.

The Ministry emphasized the importance of adhering to health regulations and receiving services only from licensed professionals and facilities. Displaying licenses within health facilities was highlighted as a fundamental right for patients.

Laws governing healthcare professions underscore the necessity of obtaining a license before practicing any medical profession. Moreover, these laws prohibit examining patients outside designated areas and restrict health practitioners from direct or brokered advertising.

The Ministry conducts regular inspections and monitors social media to ensure patient safety, public health, and the integrity of the medical profession.

27 Mar, 2024 0 276
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