Cops Arrested Woman For Posting Pictures Of Alcohol, Porn
Category: Crime News

Saudi authorities have arrested a woman in the Red Sea city of Jeddah after she posted several pictures and videos on social media showing liquor and pornographic material.

“Through the monitoring of social media, the authorities spotted an account that posted clips that clashed with the values of Islam and public morals,” Ati Al Qarshi, the spokesperson for the Makkah Police, said.

“Investigations revealed that the account owner was a young woman in her 20s. She was arrested and she admitted that she set up the account under the name Lamia. She was referred to the public prosecution for further investigation and action,” he said, quoted by Saudi news site Sabq on Sunday.

Under Saudi law, the woman faces charges of immorality that could lead to a prison sentence of up to five years and a fine of up to three million Saudi riyals, or either one.

Several Saudi online users, outraged by her immoral defiance, reported her to the authorities and called for prompt action against her.

According to Saudi daily Okaz, the woman lived with her family who was not aware of her activities or posts.



11 Feb, 2018 0 2678
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