Arrest Of 11 Expats For Obstructing Traffic In Riyadh
Category: Crime News

Saudi police have apprehended 11 expatriates for obstructing traffic in Riyadh and documenting the act online. The suspects include 10 Bangladeshis accused of causing inconvenience to passers-by and one individual responsible for recording the incident, violating the kingdom's anti-cyber crime law.

"Disciplinary procedures were taken, and they were referred to public prosecution," the police stated, without specifying when the incident occurred.

Recent Arrests of Expatriates

In recent months, Saudi authorities have detained several expatriates for various law-breaking activities and violence. Earlier this month, a Saudi court sentenced eight expatriates to jail for stealing copper and electrical cables. The court also imposed fines and ordered their deportation after serving their terms.

Last month, Saudi police arrested 14 expatriates in Riyadh for allegedly stealing copper cables worth over SR8 million. The group included 12 Pakistanis and two Afghan nationals, who reportedly used stolen vehicles to commit the crimes.

In May, a Turkish resident was arrested for arson in Mecca, appearing in a video setting two parked cars on fire. Also, several Bangladeshi expatriates were detained for public violence in Riyadh, as seen in a video of them quarreling in a public place.


20 Jul, 2024 0 228
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