26 People Got Injured In A Terrorist Attack At A Saudi Airport
Category: Crime News

26 people including 3 women and 2 children have been injured in a projectile attack on arrivals hall at Abha International Airport which is near the border with Yemen. The attack was carried on Wednesday morning 2:21 am.

8 of the injured people have been hospitalized and the remaining sustained minor injuries and they are out of danger. The Houthis earlier on Wednesday claimed they'd launched a cruise missile at the Abha airport.

Saudi Arabia has been at war against the Iranian-allied Houthis in Yemen since 2015. The kingdom accuses Iran of arming the rebels, which Iran denies. The Houthis have taken the full responsibility of the attack through their media.

This attack also proves the terrorist militia’s acquisition of new special weapons, the continuation of the Iranian regime's support and practice of cross-border terrorism, and the continued violation of relevant UN Security Council resolutions, including Resolution 2216 and Resolution 2231.

attack in saudi arabia

Col. Malki stressed that in the face of the Houthi militias’ terrorist attacks as well as their violations, the Command of Joint Forces of the Coalition will take urgent and timely measures to deter the terrorist militias and ensure the protection of civilians and civilian objects.

In addition, terrorist operatives responsible for the planning and execution of this terrorist attack will be held accountable in accordance with international humanitarian law and its customary rules.

attavk on saudi arabia airport

The attack on Wednesday comes as Japan's prime minister is expected in Iran to mediate between Tehran and Washington amid escalating tensions in the Gulf regions.

The Houthis and Iran should understand that any attack on the soil of Saudi Arabia will not be taken lightly by the Muslim Ummah.

Saudi Arabia is the land of the Holy Prophet Muhammad S.A.W and the entire Muslim Ummah of 1.6 billion Muslims would be willing to die to protect the Holy land of Saudi Arabia.

SOURCE : Saudi Gazette

12 Jun, 2019 1 11146
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