Stay Safe On The Road: Saudi Arabia Issues Warning On 15% Surge In Holiday Road Accidents
Category: Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is cautioning motorists about a 15% increase in road accidents during holidays, especially with a nine-day school break currently in progress.

The General Authority for Roads has released a safety advisory, emphasizing crucial measures for drivers:

. Buckle Up: Ensure seat belts are fastened for both the driver and passengers.

. Observe Speed Limits: Avoid exceeding speed limits for safer journeys.

. Ditch the Distraction: Say no to mobile phone use while driving to stay focused on the road.

. Check Your Ride: Regularly inspect car tires and other components to ensure optimal safety.

. Get Adequate Rest: Before embarking on your journey, ensure you've had enough sleep for alert driving.

. Rainy Weather Caution: Avoid driving in the rain to minimize risks.

. Secure Little Passengers: Safely place children in designated seats during the journey.

In August last year, the Saudi Cabinet established the General Authority for Roads to enhance road safety, setting a strategy to reduce traffic fatalities to less than five deaths per 100,000 people by 2030.

Saudi authorities have increased penalties for traffic offenses to curb road accidents, resulting in a significant 35% decline in traffic deaths over the past five years, starting from 2016.

Despite these efforts, recent months have seen tragic incidents, emphasizing the need for continued caution on the roads.

20 Nov, 2023 0 618
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