Sheikh Al-Issa Affirms Islamic Completeness: Balancing Innovation In Ijtihad
Category: Saudi Arabia

Sheikh Mohammed Al-Issa, Secretary-General of the Muslim World League (MWL) and Chairman of the Organization of Muslim Scholars, underscores the completeness of Islam, asserting that no innovation is permissible in the religion as it stands complete in the eyes of God. In a lecture titled "Developments in thought between the East and the West," organized by Cairo University, Sheikh Al-Issa emphasized the allowance for innovation in ijtihad, the process of applying legal texts to specific events or issues.

1. Complete Islam and Ijtihad:

. Sheikh Al-Issa clarifies that Islam is a complete religion, as God has finalized it, and no innovation is allowed within its core. However, innovation is permissible in the diverse . applications of ijtihad on significant issues as per legal requirements.

2. Respect for Jurists:

. The MWL chief highlights the historical perspective, stating that Islamic jurists respected those who came before them, engaging in ijtihad within their specific temporal and spatial context.

3. East-West Intellectual Differences:

. Sheikh Al-Issa touches on the intellectual disparities between the East and the West, focusing on the challenges posed by the concept of absolute freedom, often disregarding religious and human values.

4. Threats to Global Harmony:

. Expressing concerns, he notes recent threats to global harmony arising from uncontrolled freedoms, citing incidents such as the burning of copies of the Holy Qur'an and the potential clash of civilizations.

5. Dialogue as a Pillar:

. Emphasizing the importance of dialogue, he suggests that fruitful discussions rely on seriousness, effectiveness, competence, influence, ethical presentation, and transparency.

6. Confronting Hate Speech:

. Sheikh Al-Issa addresses the need to combat hate speech and racism, acknowledging positive developments, such as the UN's International Day to Combat Islamophobia, and advocates for serious and respectful dialogue.

27 Dec, 2023 0 296
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