Saudi Arabia's Musaned Platform Mandates Digital Wallet Salary Transfers For Domestic Workers
Category: Expats

The Musaned platform for domestic worker services in Saudi Arabia has announced that all employers with four or more workers must transfer their employees' salaries to their digital wallets.

Effective January 1, 2025, salaries must be transferred using the Domestic Workers Salaries icon in the authorized digital wallets of the domestic workers.

Starting from July 1, 2024, the Musaned platform, which is part of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (MHRSD), requires employers of newly arrived domestic workers in Saudi Arabia to transfer their wages to a digital wallet.

To deposit the salary, new domestic workers must access their approved digital wallets and use the Domestic Workers Salaries icon.

With this new service, workers can have their salaries adjusted in their digital wallets and receive a portion of their salaries in advance.

Transferring payments through electronic channels offers numerous benefits, including reducing cash transactions, creating a better work environment for domestic workers, and ensuring salaries are paid easily, consistently, and promptly.

The Musaned platform emphasizes that employers are obligated to pay the agreed-upon salary at the end of each Hijri month, as per the labor contract, unless both parties agree otherwise in writing. This must comply with the rules and guidelines regarding wage protection.

Regarding the possibility of transferring domestic workers' salaries to bank accounts, Musaned clarified that if the worker is required to participate in the Wage Protection Program, the transfer must be made through the approved channels, which include bank accounts.

For workers not falling within the obligated category, employers have the option to pay in cash or by cheque. If a domestic worker specifies a different bank account, written documentation or a note on their payroll card is required.

25 Jun, 2024 0 262
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