Saudi Arabia Urges Immediate De-escalation In Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Category: Saudi Arabia


In response to the ongoing tensions between Palestinian factions and Israeli occupation forces, Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed deep concern and closely monitored the situation, which has escalated into violence on multiple fronts.

Saudi Arabia is actively advocating for an immediate cessation of hostilities between the conflicting parties. Moreover, the Kingdom emphasizes the paramount importance of safeguarding civilians and practicing restraint.

The Kingdom has consistently warned about the perilous consequences that may arise due to the continuation of the Israeli occupation, the denial of Palestinians' rightful claims, and the repetitive provocations against holy sites.

Saudi Arabia strongly reiterates its call to the global community to shoulder its responsibilities and facilitate a credible peace process, ultimately leading to a two-state solution. This approach aims to establish security and peace within the region while prioritizing the safety of civilian populations.

08 Oct, 2023 0 525
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