Saudi Arabia Rejects Forced Displacement Of Palestinian, Calls For Lifting Gaza Siege
Category: Saudi Arabia

In a resounding declaration, Saudi Arabia has rejected any attempts at the forced displacement of Palestinian people from Gaza and has strongly condemned the continuous targeting of civilians in the region.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has stressed the Kingdom's urgent plea to the international community to take immediate action in putting an end to all forms of military escalation against civilians. This critical step aims to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe and ensure that essential relief and medical supplies reach the residents of Gaza, who are in dire need.

Saudi Arabia has once again emphasized its call for the international community to lift the blockade on Gaza, expedite the evacuation of civilian casualties, and adhere strictly to international laws, norms, and humanitarian principles. The Kingdom underscores that depriving the people of Gaza of these essential requirements for decent living is a clear violation of international humanitarian law, further intensifying the crisis and the suffering endured by the local population.

The Ministry has also highlighted the significance of adhering to the decisions made by the United Nations Security Council and the Arab Peace Initiative. These decisions are geared toward achieving a just and comprehensive solution. This solution envisages the establishment of an independent Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital. Saudi Arabia urges a steadfast commitment to the peace process, aligning with international resolutions and initiatives, as the path toward achieving a fair and lasting resolution to the Palestinian issue.

14 Oct, 2023 0 560
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