Saudi Arabia Issues New Trademark Regulations For Mecca And Medina
Category: Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia has unveiled new regulations for registering trademarks that use the names of the holy cities of Mecca and Medina, as well as those of Islam's most sacred mosques. These guidelines are part of the kingdom's efforts to protect the sanctity and reputation of these revered locations.

Key Provisions of the New Regulations

The rules for using the names of Mecca, Medina, the Grand Mosque, and the Prophet's Mosque in Arabic or any other language stipulate several important criteria:

  • Project Relevance: The trademark must be related to a major and distinguished real estate or service project in both cities. 
  • Name as a Component: The name should be one component of the trademark, not its intrinsic element, ensuring it does not cause confusion about the origin of the commodities or services in question.
  • Geographical Reputation: The owner of the registered trademark must ensure that there is no damage or distortion to the reputation of the geographical region used in the trademark.        

Non-Exclusive Rights

According to the rules published by Saudi Arabia's Official Gazette, Um Al Qura, the trademark owner does not have the exclusive right to the used name, nor can they bar others from using the same name. This ensures that the names of these holy cities and sites are not monopolized by any one entity.

Implementation and Oversight

These rules take effect following their publication in the Official Gazette on Friday. The board director of the Saudi Authority for Intellectual Property, Al Shihana bint Saleh, who is also an advisor at the royal court, has approved these regulations. This move underscores the kingdom's commitment to safeguarding its cultural and religious heritage.

Related Links

Saudi Arabia Launches Campaign To Promote Intellectual Property Rights

Saudi Arabian Intellectual Property Authority Launches Online Facility


13 Jul, 2024 0 211
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