Saudi Arabia Enacts Whistleblower Protection Law: A Milestone In Justice Reform
Category: Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia has taken a significant step forward in its justice system with the approval of a law providing legal protection for whistleblowers, witnesses, experts, and victims. This milestone, announced following a Cabinet meeting chaired by King Salman bin Abdulaziz, signifies a new era of justice and accountability in the kingdom.

Legal Protection for Stakeholders: The newly approved law offers comprehensive legal protection for individuals involved in judicial proceedings, including whistleblowers, witnesses, experts, and victims. Saudi Attorney General Sheikh Saud bin Abdullah Al Mojeb emphasized that this protection extends to all aspects of the legal process to safeguard individuals from harm.

Enhancing Justice Culture: Al Mojeb expressed confidence that the law will foster a culture of whistleblowing against unlawful activities and instill a sense of national responsibility among citizens. By encouraging reporting of illegal actions, the law aims to promote transparency and expedite the delivery of justice.

State Commitment to Justice: The law underscores the Saudi government's commitment to ensuring impartial and efficient litigation procedures. It prioritizes the protection of individuals involved in cases, emphasizing the importance of confidentiality and safeguarding against external influences.

Legislative Progress: The approval of the whistleblower protection law follows previous efforts by the Saudi advisory Shura Council, which endorsed a comprehensive draft law in 2018. This legislative development reflects ongoing reforms aimed at modernizing and strengthening the country's justice system.

Justice System Reforms: Saudi Arabia has undertaken extensive reforms in recent years to enhance its justice system. These reforms are part of broader societal changes and modernization efforts initiated by the government.

15 Feb, 2024 0 226
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