Category: Expats

If an employee is absent from work for a specific period of time,Huroob will be imposed on employee Iqama number. Worst part is that once you got "Absent From Work" on your iqama, you became illegal in Saudi Arabia .Iqama and benefits of employee are cancelled. Your entry will be prohibited for three years from entering into Saudi Arabia. Employee can check his/her Iqama Huroob Status from Ministry Of Interior and Ministry of Labour websites of Saudi Arabia.

Legal ways to remove "Absent from work" from your Huroob Status:
The most painful words for any expats in Saudi arabia are "Absent From Work" in their Huroob status. There are three legal ways to fight against or to remove it from your huroob status.

1. Request Sponsor to Invalidate runaway status.

Request your sponsor or employer to invalidate "Run Away" or "Absent from Work" report against you. If your sponsor is convinced with you he can approach passport authorities and submit documents to invalidate runaway report against you. For that he needs to put forward the required documents like:
• Form for invalidating runaway report.
• Runaway report.
• Statutory fees
• Presence of Sponsor or his representative.

2. Approach Labour court as illegal Huroob against you.

Next way is to Approach to Labour court for seeking remedy against illegal huroob. Normally it is difficult to deactivate an escape report once your employer made it.If you feel your huroob status is illegal you can approach it to labour court. As you are runaway and illegal in huroob status, you cannot approach to labour court alone, It’s required to take a help of embassy or social workers and a known lawyer who will submit a proof against your sponsor who made illegal huroob against you.

3. Surrender to Jawazat.

In this way employee have to surrender himself to authorities at Tarheel centres,  They will arrest the employee and keep him in jail and then deport him to his home country with a ban of 5 years from entering Saudi Arabia.

08 Mar, 2021 1 59290
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