No Umrah Permits During These Dates To Ensure Comfort For Hajj Pilgrims
Category: Saudi Arabia

Starting from May 24 (Dhul Qada 16) until June 26 (Dhul-Hijjah 20), no Umrah permits will be granted unless accompanied by a certified Hajj permit, according to an announcement by the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah.

Ensuring Pilgrim Comfort

This decision aims to accommodate the growing number of Hajj pilgrims visiting the Grand Mosque in Makkah, ensuring a comfortable pilgrimage experience.

Penalties for Non-Compliance

The Ministry of Interior has outlined strict penalties for those entering Makkah without a Hajj permit between June 2 (Dhul Qada 25) and June 20 (Dhul Hijjah 14):

. Fine: 10,000 riyals for violators.
. Applicable Areas: Central Haram Area, Holy Sites of Mina, Arafat, Muzdalifah, Haramain train station in Rusayfah, security control centers, and other designated gathering spots.

Enhanced Penalties for Repeated Violations

Violators will face a fine of up to 100,000 riyals for additional offences. Expatriates caught violating these rules will be deported and barred from re-entering the Kingdom for a period determined by law.

Transport Violations

Individuals transporting violators face severe penalties, including:

. Fine: Up to 50,000 riyals.
. Jail Time: Up to six months.
. Vehicle Confiscation: The court may order the seizure of the vehicle used for transportation.

Reporting Violations

The Ministry emphasizes the importance of adhering to Hajj rules to ensure a smooth pilgrimage. Violations or fraudulent Hajj campaigns can be reported by calling 911 in Riyadh, the Eastern Province, and Makkah, and 999 in other locations within the Kingdom.

20 May, 2024 0 445
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