New Vehicle License Fee System In Saudi Arabia: Fuel Efficiency Matters
Category: Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia has introduced a new annual fee system for the issuance and renewal of Vehicle Registration Licenses (istimara), and it's closely tied to the vehicle's fuel efficiency. Starting from October 22, 2023, this change affects vehicle owners, with the initial phase focusing on 2024 model new light vehicles. The subsequent phase, scheduled for 2024, will extend to encompass both light and heavy vehicle owners.

1. Phased Implementation:

. The introduction of the annual fee is happening in two phases.
. In the first phase, it applies to owners of 2024 model new light vehicles.
. The second phase, set for 2024, will include owners of both light and heavy vehicles.

2. Criteria for Calculating Fees:

. The annual fee calculation depends on two criteria.
. Engine capacity is the primary criterion for all light vehicles model 2015 and earlier, as well as all heavy vehicles.
. Fuel efficiency becomes the criterion for light vehicles model 2016 and newer.

3. Five Levels of Fees:

. The fee structure is categorized into five levels based on the fuel consumption efficiency of the vehicle.
. Low-consumption vehicles will not incur any fees.

4. Government Involvement:

. Several government agencies are participating in the application of the annual fee.
. These include the Ministry of Commerce, the Saudi Standards, Metrology, and Quality Organization, the Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority, the General Traffic Department, the National . Information Center, and the Saudi Energy Efficiency Center.

5. Additional Information:

. For more details and specific fee rates, visit the Markabati platform at

23 Oct, 2023 0 3867
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