Heavy Rain And Hailstorms Strike Asir Region: Updates And Precautions
Category: Weather

The southern Asir region witnessed heavy to moderate rainfall accompanied by hailstorms on Sunday morning, affecting various parts of the area.

The downpour was particularly pronounced in several governorates and cities, including Abha and Khamis Mushayt, as well as in Rijal Alma’, Al-Namas, and Tanuma. Hailstones blanketed many main roads and streets, posing challenges to vehicular movement.

Local authorities swiftly mobilized municipal workers and field teams to clear the hailstones, which obstructed roads and impeded traffic flow, ensuring the restoration of normalcy as quickly as possible.

Rainfall was reported in multiple governorates such as Balqarn, Barq, Mahayil, Al-Majaridah, Sarat Ubaida, Ahad Rufaidah, and various town centers affiliated with Tarib, Al-Amwah, and Bisha governorates.

In Abha, Al-Namas, Tanoma, and their surrounding areas, dense fog descended, causing temperatures to plummet to less than 10 degrees Celsius, particularly in high-altitude locations like Al-Souda Center. The heavy rainfall resulted in torrents coursing through valleys and reefs, leading to flooding in farms and valleys.

01 Apr, 2024 0 239
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