Enhancing The Grand Mosque Experience: 8,000 Stereos To Broadcast Adhan In Mecca
Category: Saudi Arabia

In Mecca, the heart of Islam, the Grand Mosque now boasts a state-of-the-art acoustic system with over 8,000 stereos dedicated to broadcasting the sacred call to prayer, known as the adhan. This technological marvel is set to elevate the spiritual experience of millions of worshippers.

In the heart of Mecca, the Grand Mosque stands as the holiest site in Islam, housing the revered Holy Kaaba. This sacred place witnesses millions of Muslims from around the world, all directed in their prayers towards this symbolic center.

Ensuring a seamless and spiritually enriched experience, the Grand Mosque's sound system is a sophisticated marvel managed by a team of over 120 specialists. These experts meticulously oversee the 8,000 stereos strategically positioned inside the mosque and its vast courtyards, including its extensions.

What sets this system apart is its resilience. To prevent any disruption in the adhan broadcast, backup amplifiers are ready to automatically take over should any issues arise with the primary stereos. This ensures that the call to prayer, a sacred tradition deeply ingrained in Islamic culture, continues uninterrupted.

As the spiritual journey of millions unfolds at the Grand Mosque, Saudi Arabia remains committed to accommodating the faithful. The ongoing Umrah season, following the annual Hajj pilgrimage, has drawn an estimated 10 million Muslims from around the world.

This year marked a historic return to Mecca for the Hajj, with around 1.8 million pilgrims participating, breaking a three-year hiatus due to pandemic-related restrictions.

For those who cannot embark on the Hajj pilgrimage, Umrah offers a spiritually significant alternative. Pilgrims flock to Saudi Arabia to undertake Umrah at the Grand Mosque, seeking closeness to the Holy Kaaba.

In recent months, Saudi Arabia has unveiled a series of amenities to facilitate Umrah for overseas Muslims. The Umrah visa duration has been extended from 30 days to 90, and entry and exit points to the kingdom have been expanded, encompassing land, air, and sea routes.

A notable change is the end of the requirement for women pilgrims to be escorted by male guardians, empowering women to embark on this spiritual journey independently.

Additionally, expatriates residing in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries have been granted the opportunity to apply for a tourist visa, regardless of their profession, and participate in the Umrah pilgrimage.

In essence, Saudi Arabia's commitment to enriching the spiritual experience for all Muslims visiting the Grand Mosque in Mecca is a testament to the nation's dedication to its Islamic heritage and the millions who come to worship and connect with the divine at this sacred site.

20 Oct, 2023 0 651
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