Attention Parents: Jail Term Warning For Student Absences In Saudi Arabia
Category: Saudi Arabia

Parents in Saudi Arabia, take heed! A stern message has been delivered: If your child misses 20 days of school without a valid reason, you could be facing jail time. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is steadfast in its commitment to ensuring consistent attendance and "ideal studies" for students in the upcoming academic year.

According to a recent report in the Makkah newspaper, parents whose children are absent for an extended period without a legitimate excuse risk being investigated under the Child Protection Law. Should your role in the student's absence be deemed careless, the case may proceed to court, where a judge could impose an appropriate jail sentence.

The process begins with the school administrator reporting the case to the relevant education department, prompting an investigation and the initiation of legal action against the absentee student's guardian. The Ministry of Education becomes involved in the next phase, conducting an inquiry and hearing the student's statement to ascertain the reason for the absence.

This measured approach underscores the Kingdom's commitment to fostering a strong educational foundation and promoting consistent school attendance for all students.

27 Aug, 2023 0 969
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